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Passengers riding school buses are legally enrolled pupils residing within the zone of the school they attend and outside the maximum one and one-half mile walking distance. Buses will not travel outside the zone they service. All routes are approved by the school board at the beginning of each school year. Routes may be altered throughout the school year if changes occur in road conditions or location of pupils.
Any new stops created are approved by the transportation director upon written request on a new bus stop request form.
Request For a New Bus Stop Form can be located under the forms tab
At the beginning of each school year routes are established for transporting students to and from school based on the routes as operated at the end of the previous school year; this includes routes for special education.
Kindergarten routes are created on a yearly basis considering location of students and number of students enrolled. AM and PM session will be determined after the final kindergarten registration in efforts to maintain even student numbers per session.
As defined in Idaho Code 39-1102 a daycare or family day care facility may substitute for the student's residence for student transportation to and from school. The daycare or family day care facility must be within the boundary of the attending school zone. For those student's needing transportation outside of the attending school zone; the parent or guardian will be responsible for transporting to and from school.
Horn honking is not allowed to notify students the bus has arrived. Horns are to warn students of danger. If the horn is used for other purposes students might not heed them when danger is present. All students are required to be visible and to their designated bus stop five (5) minutes prior to the scheduled pick up time. Buses will not sit and wait for students to come out of their homes or get out of a vehicle. If a student is not at the bus stop, drivers have been instructed to cancel the overhead warning lights and proceed to the next stop. If a student is almost at the bus stop, it is the drivers discretion whether or not to stop. Drivers will not return for students.