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The Blackfoot School District provides transportation for approximately 3,000 students, travels an average of 2,200 miles per day for regular education routes. Currently we have 26 regular education routes, and 4 special education routes. 
Transportation services Fort Hall Elementary, I.T. Stoddard Elementary, Donald D. Stalker Elementary, Ridge Crest Elementary, Groveland Elementary, Wapello Elementary, Blackfoot Heritage Sixth Grade School, Mountain View Middle School, Blackfoot High School, Vaugh Hugie Pre-school and Independence High School.
Anyone living less then one and one half miles from the nearest appropriate school falls within the walking zone as outlined in Idaho Code 33 - 1501 and will not be eligible for transportation.

Students utilizing Transportation are required to ride their assigned bus to and from school. If a student needs to utilize a bus other then their own; the parent must send a note to the school where a bus pass can be issued. This is required for All Grades. If a bus pass is not issued; students will be required to ride their own bus home.


Shuttle buses are provided to transport students from the Elementary buildings to the secondary schools in the morning and shuttles are also provided in the afternoon to transport students to the necessary schools. Students must utilize the shuttle buses, walking between schools is not permitted.

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